#instaartlove: tobeamuse

In der Serie #instaartlove stelle ich Instagram-Accounts vor, in die ich mich verliebt habe. Wenn möglich sende ich den BetreiberInnen Interviewfragen oder treffe sie – wenn nicht, dann gibt es zumindest eine kurze Vorstellung des Accounts – Instagram-Postingbeispiele inklusive!

Den Start der Serie mache ich mit dem Account tobeamuse von Lilya Corneli, der mir im Zuge der Raffael-Ausstellungseröffnung in der Albertina aufgefallen ist. Zentrales Element des Accounts ist das Darstellen von Musen unterschiedlicher KünstlerInnen. Die Texte des Accounts sind in russischer Sprache geschrieben, das hält den Betrachter aber nicht davon ab, das Ansehen der Werke mit vielen „Ohhhs“ und „Aaaahs“ zu begleiten.

Мы очень-очень рады сообщить вам, что билеты на костюмированный бал Raffael Reinterpreted, который будет проходить в музее Альбертина @albertinamuseum 31-ого октября уже в продаже! Спешите, пока они не распроданы:) Наш проект готовит для ивента потрясающую программу с фэшн-шоу с моделями @stellamodels ,экскурсии по выставке Рафаэля на русском языке от искусствоведа @d.sabitoff , конкурсами и призами, в числе которых будет незабываемая съёмка от @tobeamuse и ювелирные украшения от @girlsdreams_boutique ? Для наших муз, которые присоединятся к нам 29-30-ого октября на Слёт, вход бесплатный. Кстати, пишите нам, если вы хотите стать одной из Муз прекрасной эпохи Ренессанса. У нас осталось всего два места! #raphael #tobeamuse #dailyinspiration #artstarsmag #dailyart #albertinaraffael #raffaelreinterpreted #fashionshow #слётмуз

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Lilya Corneli hat mir dankenswerterweise meine neugierigen Interviewfragen beantwortet, obwohl sie gerade wirklich im Musen-Stress ist. Ich denke, ihr werdet es genauso spannend finden hinter die Kulissen eines so kreativen und inspirierenden Projektes zu blicken wie ich.

Why and when did the muse kiss you with this great idea?

Actually the idea came to me when I moved to Vienna from Hamburg. I used to do photography for quite a long time, working on other projects, but since I saw Vienna and its life full of art, i just fell in love. One day I received a magazine featuring a group exhibition of three amazing austrian painters – Egon Schiele, Oskar Kokoschka and Gustav Klimt. And the article was illustrated with one of Schiele’s work that I found so amazing (and I realized that the model looked exactly like me) that i decided to recreate it. Just for fun. It turned out so well, although I took it with my Iphone, that I decided to continue and try the same with other artists and of course other models.

When my friends came to visit me in Vienna, I showed them my favorite museums and on our way back home I suggested to do remakes for them too. I just thought that one looked exactly like the muse of Henri Matisse and another one as a muse of Schiele. So this is how everything started.

Why I love it? Because its not about copying others work, it’s about being inspired. It’s very exciting to see how my Muses become muses for the greatest art pieces.

How would you describe the process, is it a kind of re-enactment?

I would describe it as reincarnation, because I am trying to give a new guise to an old soul. I am just trying to feel every person who I’m going to work with and then start to remember all the artworks to find the features and the character of my Muse. I know immediately if its going to be the Muse of Picasso or Klimt. I never choose models for re-enacting a specific artwork. I always get inspired by a woman and then trying to bring to life the Muse that she hides.

Одна из современниц Густава Климта в своих воспоминаниях писала: "Сам он был похож на неуклюжего, не умеющего связать двух слов, простолюдина. Но его кисть была способна превращать женщин в драгоценные орхидеи, выплывающие из волшебного сна". Команда проекта @tobeamuse с нетерпением ждёт своих Муз для перевоплощений в волшебные орхидеи 🙂 ? Ведь наш следующий, пятый по счёту Международный слёт Муз, который пройдёт 31.08-01.09 в Вене, будет посвящён работам именно этого великого художника. Муза дня – Света @mialuciana Причёска&Макияж – Юля @juvino и Катя @ekaterinabobrov Вдохновение – Густав Климт, Портрет Сони Книпс, 1898 #sonjaknips #bildnissonjaknips #gustavklimt #tobeamuse #museoftheday #artstarsmag #figurative #hommage #frauenbilder #kurierat

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How do the museums react when you contact them with your ideas?

Actually I have never contacted any museum. What we are doing with my favorite museum in Vienna has grown from a very interesting story. My team and I were welcoming a small group of 5 girls visiting Vienna for the first time and of course to inspire them we went to Albertina. We saw an amazing work by Kees van Dongen called Blue Eyes, which I wanted to reincarnate with one of the girls right away. After our work was done, we have posted it in our social media channels and got a repost from Albertina. So since then Albertina started to support the tobeamuse project.

How long is the preparation time per artwork and who is involved?

To prepare everything for the shooting requires a lot of time. First we start to think about all needed accessories, outfits, makeup, mood.

With each Muse we are telling her or his own story, not the story of the original painter’s Muse, thats why we also need some time to get to know a person we are going to work with better.

We exchange letters, photos and thoughts, favorite music and books and etc. We also try to learn more about the painter whose work we are going to recreate, we read more about his or her life, about what has inspired them to work and who were their Muses. Our project is more a social project where we are trying to build the connection between ordinary people and world known art pieces. Our purpose is to show that everyone can be inspiring, can be a Muse.

Is this a fun side-project, is it commercial or should it become commercial over time?

As I mentioned it’s more of a social project. We get to know new people, we build connections. It’s like allowing everyone involved to have a stage for some hours to express themselves. Of course it’s fun for the whole team and for the Muses especially, because they are trying out things they never had the courage to try in real life.

Do you have a vision for tobeamuse or are you going along with the process as it happens?

Of course I would like it to grow this project as big as possible :). We would like to have more Muses, more publications to tell people about our experience, I would like to publish a book with our work and get to work on new collaborations with other museums around the world.


Das Kernteam von tobeamuse besteht aus Lilya Corneli, Stylistin Olga Schloemer, Make Up Artist Ekaterina Bobrova und Projektmanagerin Diana Stoynova.

Facebook Page of Lilya-Corneli (aktuelle Arbeiten und News)

Instagram Account tobeamuse

Übrigens: ganz aktuell kann man die Arbeit von Lilya Corneli hautnah in der Albertina erleben! Mehr zum Event auf der Albertina Website.

Wer sich für noch mehr Insights zum Projekt und Lilya interessiert, kann bei Wings are golden mehr lesen und tolle Fotos vom Albertina-Halloween-Projekt sehen!

Kommentare (2)

  1. Pinkback: THE MUSE-INGS OF HALLOWEEN - wingsaregolden

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